Ben Jones
Psychotherapy / Body Psychotherapy / Counselling

I am a BACP registered psychotherapeutic counsellor and relational body psychotherapist working in Brighton & Hove, as well as globally with people online. I've worked in a variety of clinical settings including national charities, local low cost therapy services and as an honorary psychotherapist within the NHS.
Sometimes asking for support outside of your life can be difficult, partly for what it means to acknowledge what's going on right now, but often simply because you don't know who you are reaching out to. This site hopefully reveals a bit about me as well as a little about my background and how I work.
There are of course limits to what you can get a sense of here. The rest can only really be found out in a setting that encourages the embodied, confidential conversation that therapy is all about: something an initial session can help with. There we can answer questions directly and through the experience of working together.
An initial session is also an opportunity to be clearer about what you want from therapy, something you may or may not know initially. For any other information you don't find here and may want answering you can also contact me.